Sunday, July 22, 2007


I had worked in Upper Mustang for my undergrad project paper. I worked there during the month of July and November in 2005. So far I have spent just 0.6% of my life in that part of the world, but, it has left such impression on me that I feel kind of attachment to that piece. I had been there for an ecological study, after spending for time with the people I was fascinated by the culture of the area. I am looking forward to work in that area again in my life. Everything is amazing there and it's a place worth visiting at least once in a lifetime. Each and everything was exciting for me. I never knew before that people are still living in caves. I would never have been able to feel the condition of the nomads if I hadn't got that chance to visit. Besides everything, the landscape of Upper Mustang, it's breathtaking. That experience was rewarding in all the ways.