Tuesday, July 24, 2007


प्रज्वल said...


Thanks for gratifying my request :)..... In your first picture: I am curious about the surface (soil)..it looks white/pale...what exactly is that?

The carving on the hills looks cool, is that natural or by the inhabitants? I guess it would be a great experience to live in those houses, at least for a night (I know there might be a lot of hardship involved to keep living there forever for me).

I'm getting greedy now, how about a video in the next post ;) (if you have them)

Anita said...

Hey Prajwol,
I dont know about the soil type,
the landscape out there is so fascinating that you cannot close your eyes at any instant and you know what even hours long walk or horse ride is never monotonous.

Well, its all because of erosion due to wind. Living in those houses, ummm, well it would be fun for people like us but ............what about those who are dwelling there through out their life.

I have to check if I brought the videos with me here.

You know what, I am watching Prasant Tamang now. He is superb.

Anonymous said...

Keshuvko said:..

Hmmm nice conversation going on about the soil.

Anita, you post the video too. But can you?

Helping hands are always there if you need. :)

Btw Prajwol, why dont smileys dont appear in other sites expect yours? I am keen to learn :) :D

Kumar said...

Actually, fabuluos pics it looks awesome.Not only pics nice work as well. keep it up

Anita said...

Thanks Kumar

Unknown said...

I found des snaps amazing and wonderful . May I know where r des pictures from? From Nepal?????